Unlocking buildings

This is a list of what can be upgraded/built at each level, with the times and costs of each building. Each building is sorted by level. We have also included screenshots for most level up screens. These links are found at the bottom of that level section.

 Photo: After a long, hard wait the new buildings and levels are finally here! So, it is time to take advantage of the new features! What do your think about these news? You will find more infos, here: http://en.board.goodgamestudios.com/empire/showthread.php?10966-Discussion-for-the-Update-February-29th-2012

To find a specific building, using the Find option (usually Ctrl+F depending on the browser you use) is often a good idea - for instance, type in "Tavern" to see all levels of the tavern.

Please post any information that you have. A full list of things we are missing is found at post #2 in this thread.

(D) = (decoration)
(level X/Y) = the level of building you earn at that level/the maximum level you can get that building to
Blue - the time shown buildings under this heading are times using a level 1 keep (100% construction speed)
Orange - level 2 keep (125% construction speed)
Colour - level 3 keep (150% construction speed)
Purple - level 4 keep (175% construction speed)

If a building itself (not the level heading) is in a certain colour, it means that that building has the time for the relevant level of keep, rather than the level indicated in the heading. e.g. If level 12 was orange, but the tower level 2 was written in blue, that would mean that the time for the level 2 tower is for a level 1 keep, but the other buildings in level 12 would be for a level 2 keep.

We have got a few times with the incorrect keep level. You can notice these immediately because they will be a different colour to the building names around them. I have a rough way to translate these times, but I often get it slightly wrong, so any time with a "?" at the end was worked out by me and may not be correct. Confirmation for these times is appreciated.

Level 1

Keep (level 1/5) - N/A
Woodcutter (level 1/10) - 13 wood, 10 minutes
Stone quarry (level 1/10) - 14 wood, 10 minutes
Castle gate (level 1/5) - N/A
Castle wall (level 1/5) - N/A
Royal storage (level 1/1) (requires capital city) - N/A

[Level up screen not available because you start from level 1 - you can't level up to it.]

Level 2

Barracks (level 1/5) - 15 stone and 33 wood, 30 minutes
Tower (level 1/4) - 5 stone and 11 wood, 10 minutes

Level 3

Defense workshop (level 1/3) - 30 stone and 61 wood, 48 minutes
Farmhouse (level 1/10) - 30 wood, 17 minutes
Dwelling (level 1/11) - 10 stone and 20 wood, 16 minutes

Level 4

Encampment (level 1/3) - 83 stone and 158 wood, 10 minutes
Siege workshop (level 1/3) - 63 stone and 118 wood, 1 hour 23 minutes
Storage (level 1/7) - 42 stone and 79 wood, 56 minutes
Woodcutter (level 2/10) - 20 stone and 50 wood, 32 minutes

Level 5

Inventory (D) - 25 stone and 44 wood, 4 minutes 41 seconds
Signpost (D) - 35 stone and 40 wood, 4 minutes 41 seconds
Pillory (D) - 45 stone and 30 wood, 4 minutes 41 seconds
Iron roland (D) - 875 rubies, 3 minutes

Level 6

Stone quarry (level 2/10) - 25 stone and 101 wood, 47 minutes
Farmhouse (level 2/10) - 19 stone and 107 wood, 47 minutes
Dwelling (level 2/11) - 47 stone and 79 wood, 46 minutes
Outhouse (D) - 47 stone and 79 wood, 7 minutes 40 seconds

Level 7

Tavern (level 1/3) - 95 stone and 150 wood, 1 hour 21 minutes
Guardhouse (level 1/3) - 95 stone and 150 wood, 1 hour 21 minutes
Marketplace (level 1/6) - 126 stone and 200 wood, 1 hour 48 minutes
Cage (D) - 63 stone and 100 wood, 9 minutes

Level 8

Barracks (level 2/5) - 262 stone and 394 wood, 28 minutes 13 seconds
Woodcutter (level 3/10) - 76 stone and 142 wood, 1 hour 6 minutes
Hideout (level 1/1) - 216 stone and 325 wood, 56 minutes
Weapons rack (D) - 87 stone and 131 wood, 11 minutes

Level 9
Stables (level 1/3) - 135 stone and 170 wood, 45 minutes
Stone quarry (level 3/10) - 79 stone and 236 wood, 1 hour 12 minutes
Farmhouse (level 3/10) - 79 stone and 236 wood, 1 hour 30 minutes
Small well (D) - 130 stone and 186 wood, 14 minutes 41 seconds
Nymph well (D) - 1250 rubies, 10 minutes

Level 10

Storage (level 2/7) - 332 stone and 454 wood, 3 hours 38 minutes
Sawmill (level 1/3) - 354 stone and 236 wood, 2 hours 29 minutes
Bakery (level 1/4) - 1250 rubies, 2 hours 46 minutes 40 seconds
Dwelling (level 3/11) - 166 stone and 227 wood, 1 hour 41 minutes
Witch well (D) - 166 stone and 227 wood, 16 minutes 55 seconds

Level 11

Castle wall (level 2/5) - 960 stone and 1255 wood, 0 seconds
Castle gate (level 2/5) - 384 stone and 502 wood, 3 hours 33 minutes
Flour mill (level 1/3) - 221 stone and 664 wood, 3 hours 38 minutes
Stonemason (level 1/3) - 177 stone and 709 wood, 3 hours 40 minutes
Keep (level 2/5) - 960 stone and 1255 wood, 8 hours 53 minutes
Town house (level 1/11) - 200 rubies, 6 minutes 24 seconds
Town house (level 2/11)
Town house (level 3/11)

Level 12

Tower (level 2/4) - 261 stone and 327 wood, 2 hours 12 minutes
Woodcutter (level 4/10) - 441 stone and 441 wood, 2 hours 11 minutes 12 seconds
Fire station (level 1/3) - 1150 rubies, 1 hour 54 minutes 17 seconds
Hanging cage (D) - 261 stone and 327 wood, 22 minutes 3 seconds

Level 13

Estate (level 1/3) - 1728 stone and 2077 wood, 13 hours 24 minutes 48 seconds
Watchtower (level 1/2) - 7000 rubies, 2 hours 40 minutes
Stone quarry (level 4/10) - 342 stone and 799 wood, 2 hours 44 minutes 16 seconds

Level 14

Barracks (level 3/5) - 1129 stone and 1305 wood, 8 hours 5 minutes 36 seconds
Farmhouse (level 4/11) - 426 stone and 791 wood, 2 hours 44 minutes 16 seconds
Marketplace (level 2/6) - 1129 stone and 1305 wood, 8 hours 5 minutes 36 seconds
Carriage (D) - 376 stone and 435 wood, 26 minutes 56 seconds

Level 15

Dwelling (level 4/11) - 636 stone and 707 wood, 2 hours 49 minutes 4 seconds
Town house (level 4/11) - 810 rubies, 1 hour 24 minutes 32 seconds
Encampment (level 2/3) - 1695 stone and 1885 wood, 11 hours 15 minutes 12 seconds
Stables (level 2/3) - 8900 rubies, 2 hours 32 minutes
Dragon well (D) - 1625 rubies, 24 minutes

Level 16

Defense workshop (level 2/3) - 1580 stone and 1693 wood, 9 hours 45 minutes 36 seconds
Woodcutter (level 5/10) - 900 stone and 736 wood, 3 hours 13 minutes 4 seconds
Drill ground (level 1/2) - 1500 rubies, 2 hours 26 minutes 24 seconds
Flagpole (D) - 527 stone and 564 wood, 32 minutes 31 seconds

Level 17

Siege workshop (level 2/3) - 1908 stone and 1975 wood, 11 hours 48 seconds
Stone quarry (level 5/10) - 680 stone and 1262 wood, 3 hours 44 minutes 32 seconds

Level 18

Farmhouse (level 5/11) - 838 stone and 1256 wood, 3 hours 39 minutes 20 seconds
Guardhouse (level 2/3) - 1047 stone and 1047 wood, 5 hours 39 minutes 12 seconds
Storage (level 3/7) - 1396 stone and 1396 wood, 7 hours 32 minutes 48 seconds
Bakery (level 2/4) - 6250 rubies, 8 hours 53 minutes 20 seconds
Hero statue (D) - 698 stone and 698 wood, 37 minutes 43 seconds

Level 19

Estate (level 2/3) - 3813 stone and 3689 wood, 19 hours 21 minutes 36 seconds[
Dwelling (level 5/11) - 1144 stone and 1107 wood, 3 hours 52 minutes 32 seconds
Town house (level 5/11) - 1240 rubies, 1 hour 36 minutes 53 seconds
Dovecote (D) - 2250 rubies, 40 minutes

Level 20

Barracks (level 4/5) - 2662 stone and 2494 wood, 13 hours 15 minutes 40 seconds
Tavern (level 2/3) - 2662 stone and 2494 wood, 12 hours 44 minutes
Woodcutter (level 6/10) - 1547 stone and 1031 wood, 4 hours 11 minutes 44 seconds
Market barrows (D) - 887 stone and 831 wood, 42 minutes 26 seconds

Level 21

Stone quarry (level 6/10) - 1280 stone and 1920 wood, 4 hours 16 minutes 53 seconds
Sawmill (level 2/3) - 2559 stone and 1706 wood, 10 hours[/COLOR]
Marketplace (level 3/6) - 3353 stone and 3046 wood, 12 hours 38 minutes
Fire station (level 2/3) - 6750 rubies, 8 hours 53 minutes

Level 22

Farmhouse (level 6/11) - 1595 stone and 1949 wood, 4 hours 31 minutes 33 seconds
Flour mill (level 2/3) - 2362 stone and 2362 wood, 10 hours 47 minutes 12 seconds
Stonemason (level 2/3) - 1417 stone and 3307 wood, 11 hours 4 minutes 48 seconds
Gallows (D) - 1256 stone and 1107 wood, 53 minutes 45 seconds

Level 23

Dwelling (level 6/11) - 1995 stone and 1708 wood, 5 hours 24 minutes 16 seconds
Town house (level 6/11)
Watchtower (level 2/2) - 12100 rubies, 6 hours 23 minutes 20 seconds

Level 24

Keep (level 3/5) - 7627 stone and 6347 wood, 29 hours 27 minutes 12 seconds
Castle wall (level 3/4) - 7627 stone and 6347 wood, 0 seconds
Castle gate (level 3/4) - 3051 stone and 2539 wood, 9 hours 49 minutes 20 seconds
Woodcutter (level 7/10) - 2725 stone and 1467 wood, 4 hours 50 minutes 13 seconds
Market stall (D) - 1525 stone and 1269 wood, 58 minutes 53 seconds

Level 25

Tower (level 3/4) - 1623 stone and 1314 wood, 5 hours 58 minutes
Stables (level 3/3) - 12300 rubies, 4 hours 45 minutes 43 seconds?
King's tree (D) - 2750 rubies, 50 minutes

Level 26

Barracks (level 5/5) - 5627 stone and 4435 wood, 19 hours 45 minutes 20 seconds
Loot warehouse (level 1/1) - 3867 stone and 3048 wood, 9 hours 3 minutes 20 seconds
Stone quarry (level 7/10) - 2264 stone and 2767 wood, 6 hours 40 minutes 53 seconds
Sundial (D) - 1876 stone and 1478 wood, 1 hour 5 minutes 50 seconds

Level 27

Storage (level 4/7) - 3967 stone and 3046 wood, 13 hours 18 minutes 40 seconds
Marketplace (level 4/6) - 5951 stone and 4569 wood, 19 hours 58 minutes
Farmhouse (level 7/11) - 2630 stone and 2630 wood, 6 hours 42 minutes 40 seconds
Bakery (level 3/4) - 12500 rubies, 14 hours 48 minutes 53 seconds

Level 28

Dwelling (level 7/11) - 3143 stone and 2353 wood, 6 hours 44 minutes
Town house (level 7/11)
Theatre (D) - 2096 stone and 1568 wood, 1 hour 7 minutes 18 seconds

Level 29

Encampment (level 3/3) - 9343 stone and 6821 wood, 28 hours 46 minutes
Woodcutter (level 8/10) - 4243 stone and 1818 wood, 7 hours 4 minutes 26 seconds
Drill ground (level 2/2) - 13500 rubies, 7 hours 45 minutes 26 seconds
Dry storage (level 1/3) - Unknown

Level 30

Stone quarry (level 8/10) - 3062 stone and 3743 wood, 7 hours 58 minutes 13 seconds
Tavern (level 3/3) - 7947 stone and 5663 wood, 23 hours 29 minutes 20 seconds
Charcoal burner (level 4/10) - Unknown
Gold Knight (D) - 3375 rubies, 1 hour 6 minutes 40 seconds
Ornamental tree (D) - 1110 stone and 791 wood, 40 minutes

Level 31

Estate (level 3/3) - 14393 stone and 10016 wood, 40 hours 52 minutes 40 seconds (unknown
Sawmill (level 3/3) - 6346 stone and 3417 wood, 16 hours 13 minutes 20 seconds
Guardhouse (level 3/3) - 4318 stone and 3005 wood, 12 hours 16 minutes
Farmhouse (level 8/10) - 4028 stone and 3295 wood, 8 hours 13 minutes 20 seconds

Level 32

Dwelling (level 8/11) - 4509 stone and 3066 wood, 8 hours 12 minutes 53 seconds
Town house (level 8/11)
Park (D) - 6897 stone and 5147 wood, 3 hours 40 minutes
[color=orange]Charcoal burner (level 5/10) - 4850 wood and 5066 stone, 8 hours 13 minutes 20 seconds[/color=orange]

Level 33

Flour mill (level 3/3) - 6622 stone and 4415 wood, 17 hours 27 minutes 20 seconds
Storage (level 5/7) - 6630 stone and 4408 wood, 17 hours 27 minutes 20 seconds
Woodcutter (level 9/10) - 5795 stone and 2483 wood, 8 hours 36 minutes 53 seconds
Fire station (level 3/3) - 15000 rubies, Unknown

Level 34

Stone quarry (level 9/10) - 4335 stone and 5298 wood, 10 hours 5 minutes 20 seconds
Stonemason (level 3/3) - 5137 stone and 7706 wood, 20 hours 18 minutes 40 seconds
Charcoal burner (level 6/10) - Unknown

Level 35

Marketplace (level 5/6) - 12151 stone and 7732 wood, 21 hours 26 minutes 11 seconds?
Farmhouse (level 9/10) - 5965 stone and 3977 wood, 9 hours 56 minutes 53 seconds
Jousting list (D) - 4375 rubies, 1 hour 28 minutes 53 seconds

Level 36
Dwelling (level 9/11) - 6317 stone and 3936 wood, 9 hours 58 minutes 40 seconds
Town house (level 9/11) - Unknown

Level 37

Moat (level 1/1) - 21875 stone and 13350 wood, 48 hours
Castle moat (level 1/1) - 12500 rubies, 24 hours
Woodcutter (level 10/10) (needs architect) - 9920 stone and 7840 wood, 11 hours 9 minutes 13 seconds

Level 38

Siege workshop (level 3/3) - 13623 stone and 8146 wood, 30 hours 13 minutes 20 seconds
Defense workshop (level 3/3) - 13623 stone and 8146 wood, 30 hours 13 minutes 20 seconds
Stone quarry (level 10/10) (needs architect) - 7430 stone and 9810 wood, 12 hours 3 minutes 46 seconds

Level 39
Research tower (level 1/2) - 23546 stone and 13803 wood, 35 hours
Storage (level 6/7) - 9418 stone and 5521 wood, 20 hours 14 minutes 25 seconds
Charcoal burner (level 9/10) - 7883 wood and 8982 stone, 12 hours 46 minutes 40 seconds?

Level 40

Farmhouse (level 10/10) - 9990 stone and 5379 wood, 15 hours 19 minutes 29 seconds
Bakery (level 4/4) - 17000 rubies, 24 hours 4 minutes 16 seconds
Festival square (D) - 5500 rubies, 1 hour 40 minutes

Level 41

Dwelling (level 10/11) - 12321 stone and 6949 wood, 18 hours 28 minutes 27 seconds?
Town house (level 10/11) - Unknown
Dry storage (level 3/3) - Unknown

Level 42

Marketplace (level 6/6) (needs architect) - 28810 stone and 19084 wood, 30 hours 47 minutes 33 seconds
Olive grove (level 2/10) - 13293 wood and 16764 stone, 3 hours 20 minutes

Level 43

Guardhouse (level 4/4) (needs architect) - 20431 stone and 15835 wood, 17 hours 51 minutes 53 seconds

Level 45

Storage (level 7/7) - 15378 stone and 11354 wood, 22 hours 27 minutes 53 seconds
Olive grove (level 3) - 14886 wood and 18197 stone, 4 hours 36 minutes 11 seconds

NOTE: This was taken BEFORE the level 7 storage and level 3 olive grove was added.

NOTE: This was taken AFTER the level 7 storage was added, but BEFORE the olive grove was added, and in a foreign server so the writing is in a foreign language.

A screenshot in English, taken AFTER the level 7 storage and olive grove were added would be welcome.

Level 46

Dwelling (level 11/11) (needs architect) - 24561 stone and 16853 wood, 26 hours 9 minutes 26 seconds
Town house (level 11/11)

Level 47

Research tower (level 2/2) - 49736 stone and 37584 wood, 37 hours 57 minutes 46 seconds

Level 50

Castle gate (level 4/4) - 18192 stone and 9058 wood, 30 hours 21 minutes 41 seconds
Castle wall (level 4/4) - 48156 stone and 23200 wood, 0 seconds

Level 51

Tower (level 4/4) - 9631 stone and 4640 wood, 15 hours 17 minutes 42 seconds

Level 52

Keep (level 4/4) - 48156 stone and 23200 wood, 33 hours 20 minutes
Castle Garden (D) - 10542 wood and 13124 stone, 4 hours 40 minutes

Level 56:

Olive grove (level 8/10) - Unknown

Level 58:
Glass furnace (level 4/10)

Nothing is unlocked at level 59 or level 60.

Level 61:

Glass works (level 2/10) - Unknown

Level 68:

Keep (level 5/5) - 72,010 Wood, 80,980 Stone, 39 hrs 43 mins 48 secs

Level 69

Wall (level 5/5) - 72,010 Wood, 80,980 Stone

Gate (level 5/5) - 31,720 Wood, 43,510 Stone

Level 70

Tower (level 5/5) - 14,605 Wood, 26,587 Stone

Unknown level
Level 1 keep:
Charcoal burner (level 1/10) - 1815 wood and 2144 stone, 1 hour 56 minutes 40 seconds
Level 3 keep:
Charcoal burner (level 2/10) - 3043 wood and 2758 stone, 2 hours 46 minutes 40 seconds
Dry storage (level 1/3) - 9657 wood and 11502 stone, 5 hours 33 minutes 20 seconds
Olive press (level 1/3) - 19461 wood and 22242 stone, 8 hours 20 minutes
Level 4 keep:
Charcoal burner (level 6/10) - 5339 wood and 5452 stone, 7 hours 8 minutes 34 seconds
Charcoal burner (level 7/10) - 5583 wood and 6958 stone, 8 hours 24 minutes 45 seconds
Charcoal burner (level 8/10) - 6737 wood and 7039 stone, 9 hours 40 minutes 57 seconds
Charcoal burner (level 10/10) - 16646 wood and 22817 stone, 13 hours 58 minutes 5 seconds
Dry storage (level 2/3) - 6000 rubies, 9 hours 31 minutes 25 seconds (or 11:06:40 with keep level 3)
Olive grove (level 1/10) - 11652 wood and 14484 stone, 2 hours 3 minutes 48 seconds
Olive grove (level 2/10) - 13293 wood and 16764 stone, 3 hours 20 minutes
Olive grove (level 4/10) - 18539 wood and 20363 stone, 5 hours 52 minutes 22 seconds
Olive press (level 2/3) - 11000 rubies, 12 hours 41 minutes 54 seconds
Glass furnace (level 1/10) - 16449 wood and 22450 stone, 3 hours 58 minutes 5 seconds
Glass works (level 1/3) - 31616 wood and 36843 stone, 8 hours 43 minutes 48 seconds
Master Builder (level 1/5) - 1350 rubies, 1 hr 50 mins
Military Hospital (level 1/5) - 1250 rubies, 1 hr 50 mins

If you think anything is missing feel free to tell
Inputs From : http://en.board.goodgamestudios.com/empire/showthread.php?28578-Unlocking-buildings