Battle of Berimond-Tips

This is the resource donation screen.

You need to select either of the sides. Either Lions or Bears.

The camp

You need to attack other players and capture their camps. Initially you get 72 hours of protection.

Construction Menu CIVIL

Construction Menu Military

Construction Menu Battlements

Construction Menu Decorative Items

 This is a watchtower that you need to defeat first. Once your team defeats all the watch towers, then you get a shot at the Castle. Once you defeat the Watch Tower, the 3 Resource Villages next to the tower is in your teams control and you get resource benefit from them. It is awarded to all, not just to the person who defeats the tower.

This shows the balance of the war. Since it just started, so it is 50% right now.

This is how you need to check your Morale, the concept is similar to PO. Here, troops lower Morale and Deco increase Morale.

This is what you need to do.

Build storage, at-least 5-6 of them.

Build tents

Build Deco Items, Keep Morale above 150%

Build Market, very important
If you can spend rubies, build Hunters camp... 1 should be enough.
Build stables
1 or 2 Guard Houses
Upgrade walls
Moat if you want to
When you food maxs out.... Send you armies and start attacking the Towers.

You get tasks during the tournament and completing them gives you rubies, soldiers, resources and coins.

The winner side gets some rubies, some coins and some soldiers (Bear or Lions)

You can check their stats here: Units and Tools

The Deco Item is called Grimbert's Oath for Bears and Leopold's Gratitude for Lions

You may also win a unique piece of equipment (Armor of the Bear or something)

Do not rush your rubies. In the initial few days work in teams of 4-5 to support each other in case enemy tries to capture your camp. As one levels up, progress becomes smoother in the sense much of the troops that will be needed to defeat towers will be awarded to the players as they keep on completing the quests.

Click on the Battle for Berimond camp outside your main castle if you want to transfer tools and troops.

This is how you can transport troops and tools to Berimond. You cannot transfer resources.

The Good thing is that you can transfer them from any of your castles or OP.

You can send Bear/ lion soldiers if you have them. And that seems to be the best strategy as they are Versatile soldiers. Good in attack and good in defense. If you dont have Bear/ Lion soldiers, try sending the Norsemen or other renegade soldiers, as they are Versatile soldiers as well.

First Espionage Report of the 1st tower.

Another Espionage

The Screenshot below is of the Capital. This is the Final destination, once destroyed, you win. Keep in mind that since I have chosen Lions, so the opponent camp for me is Bears which is Blue. If you have chosen Bears, your opponent capital would be Red.


1. You need to send a capture attack to capture someones else's camp.

2. You flag will appear on that camp, and you have to wait like 24 hours to capture the camp.

3. If someone else from opponent camp sends an attack on the captured camp and you lose, then you lose that camp. That is why Bear/ Lions soldiers are best, as they are versatile.

4. Trick: If someone sends an attack on a camp that you have captured, send a bigger attack to his main camp. If you win, his attack will vanish. 

5. Trick: When you capture a new camp, your soldier limit is very less, based on the number of camps you have. So, what you need to do is, build some camps, lets say 2 or 3. Once done. Start sending soldiers from your main camp to that one. Now, let us say you have space for 10 soldiers, so you send first batch of 10 soldiers, immediately after that you can keep sending troops of 10 soldiers, till the 1st troop reaches. This way you can send 9 troops, if you have no subscription, of unlimited if you have subscription. Thus you can solve your food problem.

And when Berimond is over, (assuming that your side won)

1. Divide them equally into all the worlds, i.e.Green, Ice, Sand, Fire..... where ever you have castles.
2. Decide the ratio, so that your soldiers don't desert before 2 days.
3. Send them out hunting, i.e. Attack RBCs and focus on plundering food. That ways you will get a lot of coins and Equipment, yet slowly killing your Bear/ Lion soldiers.
4. Level 20 RBC in Ice is the easiest to target. Send max ranged on left and right flank, only wave 1. You should get 2000+ coins and good food.
5. By doing this, you can easily gather some 1 Million odd coins in matter of days, and your soldiers wont starve to death. You can use these coins when Technicus  appears to upgrade your equipment.

Inputs From :
 (sharing with consent)

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